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Rinjani Trekking Routes

Rinjani Trekking routes 


How many legal routes of mount Rinjani? 

 Senaru Trekking route 

Senaru trekking route location in Senaru village 600m above sea level , this route is very popular for doing a 1 night hike to Senaru Rim  because along the route we are presented with traditional forests and various types of beautiful birds. 

Sembalun Trekking route 

Sembalun Trekking route location in Sembalun village 1100m above sea level. Since 2010 this trekking route has been very popular because from this route we can go straight to the Summit the second day after spending the night at Sembalun Rim, along the journey to Sembalun Rim we are presented with a very wide savanna and of course the beauty of Rinjani is very clearly visible from afar.

Torean Trekking route 

Torean Trekking route location in Torean village 700m above sea Level, this route has very spectacular views , This route was only inaugurated by the government in 2022 so this route is very popular. Apart from that, the Torean route also has a different beauty from other routes because it is located between Sembalun Rim and Senaru Rim.